Press + Conversations
John Leland,
“Sleepover in a Rooftop Camp.”
New York Times, August 23, 2013
Andrew Burton,
“Rooftop camping in New York City.”
USA Today, June 17 2013
Anna Sanders,
“Urban camping: Brooklyn artist shows how to get away”
London Daily Mail, June 16 2013
Sydney Brownstone,
“Artist Invites You to Go Rooftop Camping”
Village Voice, June 11 2013
Elaina Plott,
“Under the Stars and Above the Streets: Artist Organizes Rooftop Campground”
New York Observer, June 11 2013
Bivouac NYC – USA
Future Concepts Lab, August, 2013
Sam Katz,
"Gallery Glass Episode 15"
YouTube, September 15, 2013
Jen Chung,
"Artist Sets Up Secret Rooftop Camping In Brooklyn"
Gothamistt, Jun 16, 2013,
Hana R. Alberts,
"Artist Runs Rooftop Camp-Outs, This Weekend And Beyond"
Curbed, Wednesday, June 12, 2013,
Dylan Schenke,
"Go Camping On NYC’s Rooftops"
PSFK, October 26, 2011.
"Bivouac New York"
Designboom, October 25, 2011,
Lisa Eppich
"This Collection Includes A Complete Portable Home"
Refinery 29, October 26, 2011